streamlit and Streamlit Cloud are fantastic for sharing your data exploration apps.
A very common pattern uses csv files with pandas to accomplish the necessary steps of:
Load the data into the program
Filter data by certain columns or attributes
Compute analyses on the data (averages, counts, etc.)
importpandasaspdimportnumpyasnp# import streamlit as st# singleton ignored because we're not in streamlit anymore# @st.experimental_singletondefload_data():data=pd.read_csv("uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz",nrows=100000,# approx. 10% of datanames=["date/time","lat","lon",],# specify names directly since they don't changeskiprows=1,# don't read header since names specified directlyusecols=[0,1,2],# doesn't load last column, constant value "B02512"parse_dates=["date/time"],# set as datetime instead of converting after the fact)returndata
Feel free to reference the read_csvdocumentation, the focus of this post is on the nrows=100000 argument though.
This nrows is used to limit the number of rows that get loaded into our application.
Taking in 100,000 rows landed us around 2.3 MB of memory allocation for the data.
It loaded on my computer in ~3 seconds.
Let's see how that would go without our nrows limitation
defload_full_data():data=pd.read_csv("uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz",# nrows=100000, # approx. 10% of datanames=["date/time","lat","lon",],# specify names directly since they don't changeskiprows=1,# don't read header since names specified directlyusecols=[0,1,2],# doesn't load last column, constant value "B02512"parse_dates=["date/time"],# set as datetime instead of converting after the fact)returndata
Ok, so with ~10 times as much data (1,028,136 vs 100,000) we use:
~10 times as much memory (23.5 MB vs 2.3 MB)
~10 times as much time (30 s vs 2.94 s)
The first time this app loads in streamlit will be a bit slow either way, but the singleton decorator is designed to prevent having to re-compute objects like this.
(Also note that this is a single month of data... a year might include ~12,337,632 entries based on this september 2014 data)
importduckdbimportpyarrowaspafrompyarrowimportcsvimportpyarrow.datasetasdsdefload_data_duckdb():data=csv.read_csv('uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz',convert_options=csv.ConvertOptions(include_columns=["Date/Time","Lat","Lon"],timestamp_parsers=['%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'])).rename_columns(['date/time','lat','lon'])# `dataset` is for partitioning larger datasets. Can't include timestamp parsing directly though# data = ds.dataset("uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz", schema=pa.schema([# ("Date/Time", pa.timestamp('s')),# ('Lat', pa.float32()),# ('Lon', pa.float32())# ]), format='csv')# DuckDB can query Arrow tables, so we'll just return the table and a connection for flexible queryingreturndata,duckdb.connect(":memory:")arrow_data,con=load_data_duckdb()arrow_data[:5]
con.execute('PRAGMA database_size;')"""database_size VARCHAR, -- total block count times the block sizeblock_size BIGINT, -- database block sizetotal_blocks BIGINT, -- total blocks in the databaseused_blocks BIGINT, -- used blocks in the databasefree_blocks BIGINT, -- free blocks in the databasewal_size VARCHAR, -- write ahead log sizememory_usage VARCHAR, -- memory used by the database buffer managermemory_limit VARCHAR -- maximum memory allowed for the database"""database_size,block_size,total_blocks,used_blocks,free_blocks,wal_size,memory_usage,memory_limit=con.fetchall()[0]memory_usage
Text Only
'0 bytes'
We haven't told duckdb to load anything into its own tables, so it still has no memory usage.
Nevertheless, duckdb can query the arrow_data since it's a pyarrow table.
(duckdb can also load directly from csv).
So where does that leave us on loading the full 1,000,000 row dataset?
pandas: ~30 s of time and 23.5 MB
pyarrow: ~.1 s of time (153 ms) and 23.9 MB
In fairness, I tried pandas with the pyarrow engine.
At the time of writing I can't find a fast datetime parse and usecols throws an error in pyarrow (see end of post).
Reading the full CSV without datetime parsing is in line in terms of speed though.
%%timearrow_df=pd.read_csv("uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz",engine='pyarrow',names=["date/time","lat","lon","CONST"],# specify names directly since they don't changeskiprows=1,# don't read header since names specified directly# usecols=[1, 2], # doesn't load last column, constant value "B02512"parse_dates=["date/time"],# set as datetime instead of converting after the fact# infer_datetime_format=True # Unsupported for pyarrowdate_parser=lambdax:pd.to_datetime(x))
Text Only
CPU times: user 30.2 s, sys: 193 ms, total: 30.4 s
Wall time: 30.2 s
%%timeitarrow_df_no_datetime=pd.read_csv("uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz",engine='pyarrow',names=["date/time","lat","lon","CONST"],# specify names directly since they don't changeskiprows=1,# don't read header since names specified directly# usecols=[1, 2], # doesn't load last column, constant value "B02512")
Text Only
139 ms ± 568 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
# FILTER DATA FOR A SPECIFIC HOUR, CACHE# @st.experimental_memodeffilterdata(df,hour_selected):returndf[df["date/time"].dt.hour==hour_selected]# CALCULATE MIDPOINT FOR GIVEN SET OF DATA# @st.experimental_memodefmpoint(lat,lon):return(np.average(lat),np.average(lon))# FILTER DATA BY HOUR# @st.experimental_memodefhistdata(df,hr):filtered=data[(df["date/time"].dt.hour>=hr)&(df["date/time"].dt.hour<(hr+1))]hist=np.histogram(filtered["date/time"].dt.minute,bins=60,range=(0,60))[0]returnpd.DataFrame({"minute":range(60),"pickups":hist})
/var/folders/cp/ktx4zddx7q3bqctqfjykn5700000gn/T/ipykernel_302/ UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.
filtered = data[
39.9 ms ± 111 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
How about Duckdb (with conversion back to pandas for fairness)
defduck_filterdata(con,hour_selected):returncon.query(f'SELECT "date/time", lat, lon FROM arrow_data WHERE hour("date/time") = {hour_selected}').to_df()defduck_mpoint(con):returncon.query("SELECT AVG(lat), AVG(lon) FROM arrow_data").fetchone()defduck_histdata(con,hr):hist_query=f'SELECT histogram(minute("date/time")) FROM arrow_data WHERE hour("date/time") >= {hr} and hour("date/time") < {hr+1}'results,*_=con.query(hist_query).fetchone()returnpd.DataFrame(results)
2.86 ms ± 19.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
We got a modest improvement in filterdata and more than 10x speedup in histdata, but actually lost out to numpy for finding the average of 2 arrays in mpoint!
Where this DuckDB + Arrow combo really shines is analyzing data that can't be handled by Pandas on your machine.
In many cases if the data doesn't fit in your computer's memory (RAM) then using Pandas will consume disk (Swap) to try and fit it, which will slow things down.
With the 10 Year dataset below the DuckDB authors found Pandas used 248 GBs (!!!) of memory to read out ~300,000 rows from the ~1,500,000,000.
In this case it just crashes most laptops.
So there evolved libraries such as Dask for handling these out-of-core situations through multiprocessing and distributed computing.
Pandas has a whole list of related ecosystem projects.
To cut through data on a single laptop, DuckDB + Arrow + the Parquet format provide some impressive optimizations to where we don't need those 248 GBs on any number of machines.
defload_from_10_year():nyc=ds.dataset("nyc-taxi/",partitioning=["year","month"])# Get database connectioncon=duckdb.connect()# Run query that selects part of the dataquery=con.execute(f"SELECT total_amount, passenger_count,year FROM nyc where total_amount > 100 and year > 2014")# Create Record Batch Reader from Query Result.# "fetch_record_batch()" also accepts an extra parameter related to the desired produced chunk size.record_batch_reader=query.fetch_record_batch()# Retrieve all batch chunksall_chunks=[]whileTrue:try:# Process a single chunk here# pyarrow.lib.RecordBatchchunk=record_batch_reader.read_next_batch()all_chunks.append(chunk)exceptStopIteration:breakdata=pa.Table.from_batches(all_chunks)returndataload_from_10_year()
%%timenyc=ds.dataset("nyc-taxi/",partitioning=["year","month"])# Get database connectioncon=duckdb.connect()query=con.execute("SELECT total_amount FROM nyc")record_batch_reader=query.fetch_record_batch()total_rows=0whileTrue:try:chunk=record_batch_reader.read_next_batch()total_rows+=len(chunk)exceptStopIteration:breaktotal_rows
Text Only
CPU times: user 1min 30s, sys: 1min 54s, total: 3min 25s
Wall time: 3min 53s
Iterating is definitely not going to work for user interactive apps.
2 - 3 seconds is bearable for most users (with a loading indicator), but 4 minutes is far too long to be engaging.
Pandas currently would need to perform this whole iteration or load the whole dataset to process the query we asked before.
Download instructions (from Ursa Labs S3 bucket) and Streamlit demo using the 10 year set is available in the same repo
It's no secret that Python is not a fast language, but there are tricks to speed it up.
Common advice is to utilize C optimizations via numpy and pandas.
Another new contender is utilizing the C++ driven duckdb as an in-process OLAP database manager.
It takes some re-writing of Python code into SQL (or utilize the Relational API or another library such as Ibis Project), but can play nicely with pandas and pyarrow.
Speaking of Arrow 🏹, it seems to be efficient and growing in popularity and adoption.
streamlit 🎈 utilizes it to simplify objects in protobufs between browser and server.
pandas 🐼 has further integrations on their roadmap.
polars 🐻❄️ uses it to power their Rust-written DataFrame library.
This post explores an example streamlit app that utilizes some pandas and numpy functions such as read_csv, average, and DataFrame slicing.
Using pyarrow to load data gives a speedup over the default pandas engine.
Using duckdb to generate new views of data also speeds up difficult computations.
It also touches on the power of this combination for processing larger than memory datasets efficiently on a single machine.
pd.read_csv("uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz",# nrows=100000, # approx. 10% of dataengine='pyarrow',names=["date/time","lat","lon",# "CONST"],# specify names directly since they don't changeskiprows=1,# don't read header since names specified directly# usecols=[1, 2], # doesn't load last column, constant value "B02512"parse_dates=["date/time"],# set as datetime instead of converting after the fact# # infer_datetime_format=True # Unsupported for pyarrowdate_parser=lambdax:pd.to_datetime(x))
pd.read_csv("uber-raw-data-sep14.csv.gz",# nrows=100000, # approx. 10% of dataengine='pyarrow',# names=[# "date/time",# "lat",# "lon",# "CONST"# ], # specify names directly since they don't change# skiprows=1, # don't read header since names specified directlyusecols=[0,1],# doesn't load last column, constant value "B02512"# parse_dates=[# "date/time"# ], # set as datetime instead of converting after the fact# # infer_datetime_format=True # Unsupported for pyarrow# date_parser=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x)).info()