Gatsby (Homepage ) is a Site Generator for React .
Open source Javascript framework for building web apps (frontend ).
Pre-requisite: npm
Install cli tool
Bash npm install -g gatsby-cli
Create Site
Bash gatsby new site-folder-name
Run Dev server
Bash cd site-folder-name
gatsby develop --host 0 .0.0.0 --port 8000
Visit Site Home: [http://localhost:8000]
Visit GraphQL query analyzer: [http://localhost:8000/___graphql]
Data For Pages with GraphQL
Using GraphQL isn't required with Gatsby, but it's built in and official plugins parse data into a GraphQL schema.
Pages can use variables (via pageContext
) in queries to narrow down / specify results.
This functionality extends to templates used with createPage
Example (Blog Posts with Path):
- gatsby-node.js
calls createPage
with a pathSlug
variable in the context:
JavaScript const posts = data . allMarkdownRemark . edges
posts . forEach (({ node }, index ) => {
const path = node . frontmatter . path
createPage ({
path ,
component : blogPostTemplate ,
context : {
pathSlug : path ,
prev : index === 0 ? posts [ posts . length - 1 ]. node . frontmatter : posts [ index - 1 ]. node . frontmatter ,
next : index === ( posts . length - 1 ) ? posts [ 0 ]. node . frontmatter : posts [ index + 1 ]. node . frontmatter
can make a graphql query using pathSlug
to specify which post we're building a page for
JavaScript export const query = graphql `
query($pathSlug: String!) {
markdownRemark(frontmatter: { path: {eq: $pathSlug}}) {
frontmatter {
Components / Layouts cannot use variables in queries.
Must use Gatsby's StaticQuery
, where static can be read as 'no variables' or 'constant.'
Hook method useStaticQuery
Example (Layout fetching site information):
- Layout.js
contains a Functional compenent, in which it calls useStaticQuery
with a graphql query:
JavaScript const Layout : React . FunctionComponent < LayoutProps > = ({ next , prev , children }) => {
const data = useStaticQuery (
graphql `
query {
site {
siteMetadata {
console . log ({ data })
const { title , description , author , year } = data . site . siteMetadata
# ... use `title` , `description` , `author` , `year` in jsx
Reminder: Access Grapphql schema at localhost:8000/___graphql
(With your site's IP address if WSL2 or remote)
Using Jest is pretty well supported with Gatsby and React ;
Install testing dependencies for react / jest
Bash npm install --save-dev jest babel-jest react-test-renderer babel-preset-gatsby identity-obj-proxy
JavaScript module . exports = {
transform : {
"^.+\\.[jt]sx?$" : `<rootDir>/jest-preprocess.js` ,
moduleNameMapper : {
".+\\.(css|styl|less|sass|scss)$" : `identity-obj-proxy` ,
".+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$" : `<rootDir>/__mocks__/file-mock.js` ,
testPathIgnorePatterns : [ `node_modules` , `\\.cache` , `<rootDir>.*/public` ],
transformIgnorePatterns : [ `node_modules/(?!(gatsby)/)` ],
globals : {
__PATH_PREFIX__ : `` ,
testURL : `http://localhost` ,
setupFiles : [ `<rootDir>/loadershim.js` ],
collectCoverage : true ,
collectCoverageFrom : [ "src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}" ]
JavaScript const babelOptions = {
presets : [ "babel-preset-gatsby" ],
module . exports = require ( "babel-jest" ). createTransformer ( babelOptions )
JavaScript global . ___loader = {
enqueue : jest . fn (),
Resetting Test Cache
Jest and React make unit tests by rendering the code and saving a snapshot of that render to compare the tested code to.
Whenever you change code that changes the data on the page (changing html), run the following to update snapshots:
Bash jest -u
# Or if test is in your `package.json` scripts
npm test -- -u
Testing Components with StaticQuery
Components with StaticQuery
/ useStaticQuery
receives data via context rather than props.
Create Components in a way that there is a 'Pure' version; Given the same inputs it will yield the same output.
The Unpure version will make the graphql StaticQuery
and pass that data to the Pure component
Example (Layout that requires site metadata):
Components src/components/layout.tsx
NOTE: export both the Pure component and the Main version
Text Only import * as React from 'react'
import { Link, useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'
import { MarkdownRemark } from '../types'
export interface LayoutProps {
next?: MarkdownRemark
prev?: MarkdownRemark
export interface PureLayoutProps {
data: {
site: {
siteMetadata: {
title: string
description: string
next?: MarkdownRemark
prev?: MarkdownRemark
export const PureLayout: React.FunctionComponent<PureLayoutProps> = ({ data, next, prev, children }) => {
const { title, description } =
let header = (
<Link to='/'>Index Page</Link>
{prev && <Link to={prev.frontmatter.path}>Prev ({prev.frontmatter.title})</Link>}
<a href="/#">Other Link</a>
{next && <Link to={next.frontmatter.path}>Next ({next.frontmatter.title})</Link>}
return (
export const Layout: React.FunctionComponent<LayoutProps> = (props) => {
const data = useStaticQuery(
query {
site {
siteMetadata {
return <PureLayout {...props} data={data}></PureLayout>
export default Layout
Tests __tests__/layout.ts
TypeScript import React from 'react'
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'
import { PureLayout as Layout } from '../src/components/Layout'
describe ( "Layout" , () => {
it ( "renders correctly" , () => {
const data = {
site : {
siteMetadata : {
title : "Brain Blog" ,
description : "Notes from random topics, connected; Loosely modeled after Zettelkasten / Roam" ,
const tree = renderer . create ( < Layout data = { data } > < /Layout>).toJSON()
expect ( tree ). toMatchSnapshot ()
Last update:
June 7, 2023
June 7, 2023